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Peregrine offers a full range of environmental services from environmental planning and management to reclamation in an integrated cost-effective approach.

Environmental stewardship depends on the abilities of the environmental assessor to identify and address issues promptly and professionally while maintaining regulatory compliance. With an integrated approach Peregrine can effectively manage your project from start to finish.

We strive to supply professional, exceptional and cost-effective services with high integrity, not only to benefit industry but to sustain the environment.

Environmental Services

Peregrine is proficient in environmental and land use issues and can assist industry in meeting regulatory requirements.

Ecological information is obtained and quantified for soil, vegetation, topography, drainage, surface water, and wildlife associated with the site and surrounding area. Depending on the scope, location or environmental sensitivities of the project, additional planning and mitigation may be provided.

Pre-Construction Assessments (PCA) and Schedule 'A' Assessments
The proposed location is assessed for environmental concerns and the client is provided background data and recommendations prior to construction. The Schedule ‘A’ assessment is required on native lands in BC, the PCA is completed and soil samples are submitted for analysis.

Sump Suitability Assessments
Sump suitability assessments can be performed to determine an adequate sump location prior to construction.

Environmental Field Reports (EFR) and Native Consultation
EFRs are required on all public lands in Alberta. Peregrine will conduct the site assessment, wildlife and vegetation searches, map reviews, native consultation (if required) and prepare the EFR.

Environmental Protection Plans (EPP) and Area Operating Agreements (AOA)
EPPs are detailed studies to determine the environmental impact of the proposed project. EPPs are generally required on larger projects or environmentally sensitive areas. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) may be required for large multi-project locations. 

AOA’s are used for companies who will be completing a large amount of activity in a specific area of crown land. The AOA’s replace several EFR’s and are developed as general operating principles for the area with site specific guidelines.


Reclamation Services

Drilling Waste Management

Real-Estate Liability