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Peregrine offers a full range of environmental services from environmental planning and management to reclamation in an integrated cost-effective approach.

Environmental stewardship depends on the abilities of the environmental assessor to identify and address issues promptly and professionally while maintaining regulatory compliance. With an integrated approach Peregrine can effectively manage your project from start to finish.

We strive to supply professional, exceptional and cost-effective services with high integrity, not only to benefit industry but to sustain the environment

Environmental Services

Reclamation Services

After construction is completed or a project is to be decommissioned, reclamation is a key component; Peregrine actively participates in well site reclamation projects and is knowledgeable of current environmental guidelines, reclamation and remediation criteria, and the regulatory process.

  • Reclamation Certificate Applications (RCA)

    Peregrine completes the Phase I ESA, Phase II ESA and Detailed Site Assessment (DSA) to determine if the lease meets Reclamation Criteria and compiles the Reclamation Certificate Application package for the client, landowner and regulatory agency.

    Detailed Site Assessments (DSA)
    Detailed Site Assessments are required for final reclamation certificate submission. The DSA assists in delineating reclamation planning and ensures the site meets reclamation criteria.

    Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
    A Phase I file review is completed to determine history of the site, waste disposal, air photo interpretation, land owner consultation, and a site visit to ensure regulatory requirements are met.  

    Phase II and III Environmental Site Assessments
    A Phase II Site Assessment is required on a site from which there is insufficient information from a Phase I to delineate potential environmental liabilities. This site assessment is intrusive and includes soil sampling and analysis. The Phase III program may be required to continue remediation to ensure the site meets regulatory requirements.


Drilling Waste Management

Real-Estate Liability