Peregrine offers a full range of environmental services from environmental planning and management to reclamation in an integrated cost-effective approach.
Environmental stewardship depends on the abilities of the environmental assessor to identify and address issues promptly and professionally while maintaining regulatory compliance. With an integrated approach Peregrine can effectively manage your project from start to finish.
We strive to supply professional, exceptional and cost-effective services with high integrity, not only to benefit industry but to sustain the environment.
Environmental Services
Peregrine is proficient in environmental and land use issues and can assist industry in meeting regulatory requirements.
Wildlife and vegetation assessments prior to development are required in certain areas. Specific species or general surveys and habitat assessments are completed by trained personnel to determine timing considerations, habitat protection and mitigation plans.
Wildlife Assessments and Protected Species Assessments
Wildlife assessments and rare species surveys for species listed under the Federal Species at Risk Act and Provincial Legislation may be required on certain projects. Surveys include endangered bird/nest surveys, swift fox, burrowing owl, ferruginous hawk and piping plover.
Burrowing Owl Assessments
Burrowing owls habitat is located in southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, and is a threatened species under the provincial Wildlife Acts, therefore wildlife surveys specifically for burrowing owls must be performed prior to development for areas within potential burrowing owl habitat.
Caribou Protection Plans (CPP)
Woodland caribou, located in the northern Boreal Forest region, are a threatened species under the provincial Wildlife Act, therefore Caribou Protection Plans and Best Management Practices for industrial activity for caribou ranges are required in the boreal region.
Rare Plant Assessments
Peregrine can provide rare plant surveys, weed surveys and mitigation measures for an area or a specific location.
Vegetation and Weed Surveys
Detailed vegetation surveys are required in areas where known or suspected rare plants may occur.
Reclamation Services
Drilling Waste Management
Real-Estate Liability